Tropical Fruit 101
My favorite subject! Tropical fruit. We have Farmer’s markets throughout out the island, from Hilo to Pahoa, and Honokaa to Kona. All four areas have markets that are local to their area. Our favorite is the Maku’u Farmers Market in Pahoa on Sunday mornings. If you can, go to the market early during your trip so you can enjoy the beautiful fruits, veggies and prepared food that you can purchase. You won’t be disappointed. Everything is super fresh and local!

Native of the Amazon region. Cut in half and eat it with a spoon. Tastes like caramel and vanilla. Texture is like custard. Sweet and delicious. December-April is peak season.

Breadfruit (Ulu)
Available in Hawaii year round. It is delicious and if you have the opportunity to try it, do.

A delicious combination of the flavors of lemon, lime and orange. It has a long growing season and is available most of the year.

Common in Hawaii. In fact, strawberry guava is the most invasive tree in Hawaii. White guava can be found at most farmers markets. Available August - April.

There are over 200 varieties. Haas, Sharwill, Murashige, Green Gold, Yamagata and Butter are some of the most popular varieties. September - April is the height of avocado season.

Apple Banana
So many varieties to try, and available year round. We have apple bananas, ice cream bananas, popo ulu bananas (savory like plantains), gros michael bananas, namwah bananas and williams bananas to name a few. Each variety has a different taste and texture and all are fun to experience.

Resembles Kiwi fruit, without the fuzz. The taste is creamy and gritty almost like brown sugar. Originates from the Philippeans. January - May.
Grow all year round in Hawaii. Most Farmer’s markets have a vendor that will chop open a coconut so you can sip the delicious water.

Dragon Fruit
Available with white or red flesh and taste like a ripe pear. Available July - October

It is a super smelly fruit. You have to be careful opening it due to its thorns. If you can get over the smell, it is incredibly delicious and sweet. It’s often described as custardy and flavor like caramel, vanilla and even cheesecake. Available in the winter months.

Egg Fruit
Is native to Mexico, but grows well in Hawaii. Eggfruit is delicious when it’s fully ripened. The skin turns golden yellow and soft to the touch and it has a musky, fruity smell - like the inside of pumpkin squash. The pulp has a rich sweet taste and the flavor - debatable some say like egg yolks and other say like squash. You will find it October - February.

Pomelos are so floral and delicious. September - October is the best season.

Jack Fruit
Is a huge green fruit. It has become popular to use a meat substitute in tacos and curries as it has a shredded meat like texture. It tastes like bubblegum. It is unique and delicious. Available year round but most abundant during the summer months.

Native to South America. They are little yellow fruits that you cut in half and eat the juice, pulp and seeds. They are very citrusy and florally and delicious. Available June - January.

There are several varieties that are available here and local limes are juicy and wonderful. Tahitian limes are the most common local variety, Kaffir are also very popular mostly for their leaves that are used in curries. Finger limes are also fun to try. Available year round.

Was brought to Hawaii by the Chinese. “Longan means dragon eye. Peel off the brown skin and u will see the resemblance of an eye. It’s sweet and delicious. They are available year round.

Little red skinned fruits. Peel off the red skin and enjoy the sweet white flesh. Available May - September.

Mangos in Hawaii are the best. There are so many varieties, Keitt, Fairchild, momi K, Hayden, Pirie and Rapoza are some and it’s fun to see how many different varieties you can find. When in season, mangos are available everywhere. Available May - October.

Also called “Queen of Fruits”. It has a thick purple rind and once broken, there are sections of sweet delicious, melt in your mouth fruit. Available June-August.

Meyer Lemon
A sweeter and more floral tasting than a standard grocery store lemon. They are super juicy and available year round in Hawaii.

Mountain Apple
originated in Malaysia. It has the texture and flavor of a pear with a few more floral notes. Available late summer - fall.

Oranges in Hawaii are so sweet and delicious. Available year round. Some varieties are only available during the height of the growing season November - April.

A delicious fruit. You can eat the flesh and the seeds. The seeds are most commonly used for papaya seed dressing - they are spicy. You can find papayas everywhere in Hawaii. Available year round.

Sweet and delicious. The 2 common varieties are Fuyu and Maru. The growing season is short. October - November.

There are while and yellow pineapples on the island. The white is my favorite. It is available year round in Hawaii.

Native to Southeast Asia. It has a beautiful spiky red skin that you peel off to eat the white flesh inside. Available October - March.

Has a velvety texture with a pleasant strawberry like flavor with a very pleasant floral after taste. It’s a unique tasting and looking fruit with 3 peak seasons. Available January - April, June - August and October - November.

A mild fruit that has a texture similar to a grape in many ways. Available September - April.

Tangerines in Hawaii are so sweet and delicious. Available year round. Some varieties are only available during the height of the growing season November - April.

Native to Africa and cultivated in Egypt. In my opinion, the smaller the watermelon the better the flavor. I look for 5lbs or less in size with seeds for the sweetest watermelons. Available June - August.