If you would like to walk to Hakalau Beach, go out the front gate and proceed to the end of Opihi Point Place. Along the way, in front of you are a couple of large concrete warehouses from the Hakalau Plantation Company, a relic from the area's history in the sugar industry in the early 20th century. At the stop sign, turn right and proceed about 1/4 mile to the gate. On your left at the end of the road is a beautifully restored house that used to be the home of the Hakalau plantation manager. A small plaque provides a brief history of the house.
At the gate, you can either proceed around the fence on the paved road (recommended for beginners), or take the dirt path to the right of the fence. The dirt path provides a faster route to the valley floor, and the paved road is closed to cars, has great views and is safer. If you decide to take the dirt path, walk slowly and carefully, as some parts can be uneven, slippery and covered with plants.
If you take the dirt path, when you get to the bottom of the path you will be on the valley floor on the south side of the river. If you stay on the paved road, you will proceed under the towering Highway 19 Hakalau bridge. Just before you get to the bridge, turn to your right, and you will have a beautiful view of Hakalau Beach and the valley. Continuing on the paved road, as you approach the bottom of the valley you will cross over the river on a beautiful old bridge. This is a great spot for pictures! Continue on the road around the bend, and it will change to a gravel path. Continue on the valley floor path under the Highway 19 bridge towards the ocean. You will now be on the north side of the river. Before you get to the ocean, there is a low concrete bridge that crosses the river. Do NOT attempt to cross this bridge if any water is flowing over it. However, if the bridge is dry, you can safely cross the river to the south side using this bridge.
Depending on the time of year, the beach at Hakalau may be small or not existent. If there have been heavy rains, most or all of the beach can be washed away. Typically the beach then re-forms after a few days of drier weather.
The valley is a beautiful spot for enjoying gorgeous ocean views and taking in the natural beauty of the area. You should not go in the water at Hakalau beach unless you are VERY experienced with ocean swimming and also have fins. The east coast of The Big Island can have large waves and fierce currents. This is not a beach for inexperienced swimmers. If you do want to swim, please consider going to one of the wonderful and safer beaches close to Hilo.
Hakalau Valley is a beautiful and magical spot. Please respect the Aina and Mana. There are no bathroom facilities in the valley, so please plan accordingly. Take lots of pictures of this beautiful paradise, and please also be sure to not leave any trash in the area. Always leave the area the same, or better, as when you got there.